Friday, April 3, 2015

What Does Good Friday Mean To You?

Life and faith has taken a new meaning since I learned that my mother had cancer.  All my life I've heard the same sermon being told by priests.  "Jesus died for your sins."  That is the number #1 thing I dislike about the Catholic church.  There is so much guilt. Always.  It is all about how much you've sinned and how bad you should feel and how much you should repent.  But I digress...

For the first time, I feel like I understand the meaning of Good Friday.  On a day like today, Jesus died.  He was crucified on the cross that he himself carried.  He sacrificed his life for love.  That is what I think the meaning of Good Friday is: Everyone carries a cross sooner or later in life in the name of love.  The question is: What will your cross be?

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